How well do you know horses?
If you already have a horse, or you biggest wish is to get one soon, you probably already know a lot about them.
They're beautiful, strong and majestic.
They're brave, intelligent and loyal.
We also love them because they like people. They're always happy to see their owners.
Horses also have secrets. These are interesting, quirky, and just plan odd fun facts about them. That's what this book is all about. It tells you these intriguing facts and then explains the what and why about each one. Once you've read it, you'll know more about the secret side of horses' lives that most other owners and riders know, even some of the most experienced pony-loving people!
Contains more than 100 fascinating fun facts and detailed explanations in a casual, fun-to-read style. It's everything about horses every horse-crazy reader will want to know!
Fun Horse Facts for Kids is the sixth book in the series Fun Facts for Kids from Crimson Hill Books. For ages 8 to 10 or Grades 4 to 5.
Includes 42 color photos. Suitable for libraries, home schoolers and classroom teachers who want to build kids' word power.
And don't miss: Fun Pony Facts For Kids is the book every pony-loving kid will love to read!
Gallop to your copy today!